
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Fake Cupcake 1st Attempt

Well this week I decided I wanted to make some FAKE CUPCAKES for my displays.  I like to take pictures of my party pieces before they are delivered to my clients, so it's nice to actually see them with food included. Sometimes, I run up to the grocery store and purchase a couple dozen cupcakes, but that gets a little dangerous, then I have to eat them after the photo shoot. So making fake cupcakes seemed like a great the time.  I found a few different instructions on-line, and luckily I had most everything I needed right here at home.  So I decided to give it a try. How hard could it be, right? Well, what started out as a simple, two hour project...ended instead as an all day project and needless to say, I am not crazy about the results! 

The bases all came out ok...not bad.  I might even keep those just in case I want to try again. 

I used a half of Styrofoam ball for the actual cake section.  I painted each one, that took forever!  Pink for strawberry, yellow for vanilla, and brown for chocolate. 

Then I moved on to mixing up a messy batch of Spackle to make the tops with a frosting bag and tips....MESSY, MESSY, MESSY!!! 

BUT, I followed the instructions and after a couple tries, it worked...they really didn't look too bad.  I tinted the Spackle with acrylic paints and was very happy with the outcome. 

I thought everything was going to look great.  

How about some decorations? I needed some sprinkles...something to make them look more realistic.  So I thought, hey, I will use REAL SPRINKLES! Genius...boy they looked great and I was THRILLED to say the least with the results.  Well worth all the effort it took to get to this point.  As they started to dry the die on the sprinkles began to run...and Run and RUN!!!  Drip and worst of all CRACK!!  OMG...drips and cracks...the WORST!!! 

My smiles quickly went to frowns.  I could have cried!

I'll be right back, I am going to the grocery store to pick up a dozen cute cupcakes!  

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